Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Disappointment and Magic

Today's blog entry was going to be a really positive blog entry about Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. This is a game that I like a lot. I use to have it on the PS3 and it looked great in HD. My dad always liked the DS version too. For Christmas, both of us got used copies of the DS version. So far, I haven't had a lot of time to play the game other than multiplayer. My dad has been playing the game a bunch and...

...this morning he ran into a game breaking bug. I have no idea if there is something wrong with the cart or if this is just a major game bug...

What happened you ask?

My dad was playing in the later part of the game. Its the Underworld level. He was just going back to get some more Vampires and then the game...froze. Well, kind of. The game menu worked fine and the bad guys animation was still working but he couldn't move his character. His character was stuck between two areas. The game froze mid-camera shift.

Then my dad saved there and went out of the game. He went back in and the game was the same way. He couldn't get out of this section of the game...

He went to the second save file. It was someone elses file and the game is working fine there. So it can't be that the cart is broken right?

I have no clue what's wrong with the game. Its pretty disappointing though. My dad was having so much fun with the game and getting very far and now he has to go back.

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is a really cool game. We've never run into any issue like this before with it. I wonder if anyone else has or if anyone has a solution to this problem. Please let me know @df2506!


Tomorrow, I'll be back with my Top 10 Favorite Indie Games of this year list!

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