Thursday, October 23, 2014

Here Come the Apps

I'm not a cellphone person. I have never owned a cellphone and don't plan to get one. I like being cut off from the world when I'm out shopping or seeing a movie at the theater.

Still, I do take my 3DS with me for Streetpass. I can hardly leave home without the 3DS.

The 3DS can't make phone calls but it does have one thing cellphones have: Apps. Streetpass, music, youtube, netflix, camera. More are slowly on their way...

I reviewed KORG DSN-12 for Shigeru Reviews recently. Its a music creation app.

Pokemon Art Academy is coming at midnight tonight. I believe there's already an Art Academy on the eshop too.

There's also a Hulu app.

I'm sure theres others on the way.

And lets not forget the Wii U. Its not portable but it does have plenty of apps. Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Art Academy so far.

There's an upcoming Pixel Art app. I'm sure there's more I don't know about.

Why do I bring this up?

Because I'm not a cellphone person. I don't have a lot of experience with apps.  I find it exciting but also slightly disturbing that apps are coming to 3DS and Wii U.

Exciting because apps, like netflix, are handy and free to download. Disturbing because I worry that we could be in for a future where we are over run with apps, many of them useless, among our games. Games should be the focus of the 3DS and Wii U. I don't want 3DS and Wii U to become like cellphones (without the calling).

Apps can be handy but some of them are time wasters and not very well put together.

Here's hoping I'm worrying for nothing...

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