Thursday, February 26, 2015

IronFall Demo Thoughts

Today, IronFall for the 3DS came out. I wrote about the game before here. The game could be downloaded free so that players could try out the demo and then buy the rest of the game if they liked it. I tried out the game and here are my impressions:

IronFall has really good graphics. Its not the best I've seen on the 3DS but it does look good. I like the 3D too, even though I kept losing the sweet spot (area where you see the 3D) while playing the game. I'm playing the game on a regular 3DS. I'm sure the 3D looks even better on a New 3DS.

Gameplay wise, IronFall is pretty rough. The character moves rather slowly/sluggishly. The worse then that, though, is the game's stylus camera control. On the New 3DS, you can use the little nub to turn the camera. You can use the circle pad pro on the regular 3DS if you have it; I don't. So I had to use the stylus. The stylus camera control doesn't work well. It responds slowly and this can get you killed by the enemies. Shooting seems to work alright at least. Though you have to use the touch screen for reloading your weapon and hiding behind things and that isn't too convenient.

Basically IronFall is pretty good presentation wise but I can't say I was impressed by the gameplay. Although, I suspect, this game will play a lot better on the New 3DS. IronFall just seems like it was made for that new system. Perhaps it shouldn't have been released for the regular 3DS too.

Its a shame. I was really looking forward to IronFall but the game just doesn't live up to my hopes. I won't be buying the full game.


I'll be back tomorrow with an Indie Game Preview.

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