Friday, February 24, 2012

Why the Playstation 3 Rules

The Playstation 3 is the best home console this generation.

Yes, I'm saying that the PS3 is better than the Wii and better than the X-box 360. I've owned all three consoles. Well, I still own my PS3 and Wii (I no longer have the 360). So I can safely say that the Playstation 3 is the best. I'm not a Sony fanboy nor am I a 360 hater. I enjoyed my time with the 360 (well expect for that time when Halo 3 killed Xbox Live...otherwise...).

I've played every home console this generation and to me the Playstation 3 rules them all.

Why? Its not just graphics. The graphics on the PS3 are amazing, yes, but the PS3 has a lot of other things going for it too.

For instance, the PS3's online is FREE, whereas you have to pay for Xbox Live. Sure Live is pretty good, but I think Sony does a great job with PSN. Yes, its not perfect (as the recent hacking showed), but it offers some great online playing and you don't have to pay for it. Sure you don't pay for the Wii's online, but its not very good at all...

The Playstation also has a fantastic lineup of games, from Uncharted 1, 2, and 3, Ratchet & Clank series, Infamous 1 & 2, Resistence series, Metal Gear Solid 4, and many more titles. And the best of the multi-console games in my opinon. Mass Effect 1 looked/played great on the Xbox, but Mass Effect 2 and 3 look jaw dropping on the Playstation 3 and play even better. Games like Final Fantasy XIII and XIII2 look and play great too and many more games are enhanced because of the PS3's blu-ray power.

I also think the PS3 has the best controller; its easy to pick up and use. It fits better in your hands than a 360 controller and I like it better than the Wii-mote.

Sure, the PS3 isn't perfect. I'm not a fan of the Move and there is that hacking I mentioned before, but overall, Sony has done a great job with the system and continues to put out some really amazing games. Look at the Last of Us coming this year and Final Fantasy Versus 13 coming sometime in the future. There are other games I'm forgetting too.

Oh and the system plays BLU-RAY movies too. If you have an HD TV, you gotta have Blu-ray. The movies look so great on it.

Overall, the Playstation 3 is just the must have system. 360 is a good system and seems to be the more mainstream safe choice. The Wii is the best fit for casual gamers and people that love the Nintendo franchises. PS3, on the other hand, offers all the best: video games of all types, great looking movies, cool downloadable games, and more.

If you haven't checked it out, now is a great time. The Playstation 3 is a lot cheaper than it use to be. Of course, you could always wait a bit longer too. The next generation of consoles is upon us, so the PS3 will be dropping in even further in price soon. Its a can't miss system for sure!

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