Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Is it Called the WII U?

Last year, during their annual E3 conference in June, Nintendo announced its newest home console. They called it the Wii U. They went on to show off a touch screen controller (that looked like a bulker IPAD) and no real games. Nintendo didn't even show the actual console. A lot of people wondered, at first, if the controller was the console. Its not the console. The console in question is a white little box that looks a bit like the Wii.

Nintendo claims that the Wii U is not an upgraded Wii though. They say its a new system with HD (like the X-box 360 or the PS3). Its a brand new system with a brand new type of controller, Nintendo says.

I admit I'm not quite sold on the system yet.

For one, I'm not a huge fan of untraditonal controllers. I've gotten use to the Wii controller, but I admit I like the Gamecube & PS3 controllers better. Also, using the Wii name makes the system SOUND like its just an upgraded Wii or that its just going to follow in the Wii's footsteps and be more of a Casual player machine. I'm hoping that Nintendo is smarter than that though...

Nintendo knows that it has two groups of fans, hardcore gamers & casual gamers. It also knows that casual gamers won't play a high price for the Wii U.  Although, with the IPAD look of the controller, one can definitly think that they are aiming for the crowd that buys Ipads. Still, I think Nintendo knows that it has more than one audience for this sytem.

Why are they calling it the Wii  U though? Thats what keeps bugging me. I'm hopng that at this year's E3 they rename the system, but I doubt it. The name Wii took a lot of getting use to. I'm not sure if I'll ever get use to the name Wii U.

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