Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not Another Mario Game! *A Rant*

I'm a huge Nintendo fan. I love the Wii, the 3DS, the DS, the DSi, the Gamecube, the NES, the SNES, the Gameboy Advance, etc. I'm a huge fan of all their characters too. Especially MARIO.

Mario is one of my favorite Nintendo characters, IF not my favorite.

That said, I think Nintendo has gone a bit Mario crazy lately.

In November of last year, 3DS owners got a really great game called Super Mario 3D Land. In December, 3DS owners got a fantastic racing game called Mario Kart 7. Then there's the rest of this year when Luigi's Manison (Mario's little bro), Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, and the just announced 2D Mario game for the 3DS are all supposed to come out. The only real relief to this Mario craze is Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, and some third party titles...none of which I'm not interested in. Let's face it, the year is more full of Mario for the 3DS than anything else...

Now, Mario is a great character, but enough is enough Nintendo! The 3DS is such a powerful system. The graphics are really good, the 3D is awesome, and it has a ton other features like streetpass, spotpass, AR, QR, and a camera to boot. The system has so much potential. I know you LOVE Mario and I like Mario too, but the system DESERVES more than just a TON of Mario games.

What about Animal Crossing 3DS? What's taking so long with that game? We found out about AC3DS back at the system's first E3. Thats about 2 years ago now (it'll be about 3 at this years E3).

Crossing fans, myself included, have been waiting quite awhile on this game. We've been eating up all the info thats been released about it (which really isn't a lot. So little in fact, that the most recent info keeps being repeated as NEW news...).

Release Animal Crossing 3DS already Nintendo! Please get that out BEFORE you get the next Mario game out.

Also, there are other Nintendo franchises that deserve to be on the 3DS. Where's Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, and dare I dream, Earthbound, for the 3DS?

Oh and couldn't we get some NEW franchises too? Seeing some new download characters, like Pushmo, from Nintendo is great, but what about new retail characters? I know Nintendo has another character just as great as Mario in them.

And yes, I've just been talking about the 3DS so far. Let's not forget the WII. Xenoblade is coming this year, but I know those have two other Japan titles that America should get too. Where's the Last Story and Pandora's Tower? Let's see the Wii get some awesome games before its taken out back & shot so that the WII U can live.

Come on Nintendo, you're doing GOOD with the 3DS and Wii, but you can do BETTER.

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