Monday, February 27, 2012

Where Genre Shows Go To Die

Why do people keep taking sci-fi/fantasy shows to the Fox Network? Why does the Fox Network keep making them? Heck, why do I even keep trying these shows out? I do know that sooner or later, Fox WILL cancel them.

As to the first question, I have no idea. There is plenty of evidence (that anyone can see) that FOX does not like genre shows and will cancel them if they do bad in Friday night time slots.

Why does FOX even keep making them? I have no idea. They've had SO many fantasy and sci-fi shows on Friday nights at 8 over the years and everytime (EVERY) time they get canceled (the only success was X-Files and even that had to be moved from Fridays to Sundays). Sure, this season they branched out to Mondays with Alcatraz & Terra Nova. Amazing. Still the shows didn't/havent been doing well in the ratings. Why does FOX bother?

Oh and why do I bother? I know these brillant shows will be canceled. I keep saying everytime: " If "fill in the blank" is canceled, I will not watch any new Fox shows next season. And what do I do? I go watch the new shows.

This cycle WILL end next season though if none of my current shows come back. Things are not looking great on that front. I'm sure Terra Nova isn't coming back and Alcatraz is doing worse in the ratings than Terra Nova did. Touch doesn't have much of a chance. And things are looking bleak for Fringe (my fav Fox network show).

So, basically, it looks like nothing I'm watching/will watch on FOX will be back next season. Sounds like a VERY good time to stop watching FOX if so.

Sure, I'm rooting for these shows. I hope they come back. It would be great.

I doubt it though. History has told us that FOX is trigger happy when it comes to genre shows. Well, expect for X-Files. That show got really lucky!

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