Monday, March 12, 2012

Once Upon A Time...there was a TV show...

I like Classic Disney. When I say Classic Disney, I mean everything from Snow White to the toons they did in the 90s (like the Lion King). There's something, well, magical about Classic Disney cartoons. I think the only toons that come close are the Pixar movies, but even those are very different from what Classic Disney was doing.

So is Once Upon A Time, the new TV Show on ABC.

Its not quiete classic Disney, but it has some of the magical feel of the older cartoons. You can tell, without a doubt, this show was made by Disney. Its a show that pays tribute to all the wonderful fairy tales that Disney did, plus some they didn't do, and adds some interesting new twists to the fairy tales. Some of characters in the show are really close to their Disney couterparts (Belle, Snow White) and some are not (Grumpy in Once is so much cooler than Grumpy from the old cartoon).

Once Upon A Time is a fantastic tv show that is telling two stories really. One story is about a town full of fairy tale characters in the real world who can not remember who they are. The other story is flashbacks that show us the fairy tale world. Each episode focuses on a different character for the flashback and usually the real world couterpart gets something more to do in the town too. The fairy tale part of the show is a fantasy and much more interesting than the real world. The real world stories are more dramatic (with some soap in it) and only have a bit of fantasy to them. That said, both parts of the show are interesting and the show has a good balance of real world & fantasy.

If you love classic Disney like I do, I think you'll love Once Upon A Time. Its a really good show.

I highly recommend it. Its just a lot of fun.

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