Some people called it the Lunch Box. It was small, square shaped, and had a handle on the back of it. Not too many people took the system seriously. Everybody was buying the Playstation 2 for the most part. I remember a Gamestop employee told me once that it was more powerful than the PS2 (a memory that still surprises me). And I believed them and still do. It was an underrated system that had more third party support than the Wii or Wii U.
I'm talking about the Gamecube.
I remember the first times(s) that I saw games running on the system. I was a big Playstation believer. I hadn't bought a Nintendo system since the Super NES. I can't remember if it was Metroid Prime I saw first or the Resident Evil Remake. I just remember that I saw Metroid Prime in a K-Mart store one day and I was blown away. THIS was Metroid?! What?! And I also saw the Resident Evil remake at a Babbage's (Gamestop took them over eventually) and couldn't believe my eyes. The first Resident Evil game looked better than ever.
These two games sold me on the Gamecube. From there, I played games like Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes, Geist, Tales of Symphonia, Super Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 4, and more. The Gamecube was a powerhouse. Its games looked better than any of the games on the Playstation 2. Which is saying a lot because the PS2 had some pretty great graphics. The Cube was a small system with even smaller discs and it turned out to be one heck of a lunch box. I'd like to spotlight a couple more of my favorite games from the Cube.
As I mentioned in my blog entry about the Playstation, I didn't like the first Metal Gear Solid that much. But when I played the Twin Snakes, I was blown away. That game had the wonderful camera view from Metal Gear Solid 2, the gameplay was closer to 2, and it had the first game's story. And I absolutely loved that part with (pardon the spoiler) Psycho Mantis reading the Cube's memory card. He mentions Wind Waker if you have it on your card! And the vibrating controller bit. Its just so freaky and cool. What a great game. It really is the ultimate version of the first game.
And I have to mention Animal Crossing. I told the story of how I got into Animal Crossing here so I won't retread it. But Animal Crossing for the Gamecube got played a lot in our house and it really got my parents into gaming big time. Its become the favorite series of everyone in my household. Its all the Gamecube's fault!
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Gamecube's controller. Maybe I should have mentioned it earlier. The Cube controller was just excellent. And the best version of it was the Wavebird. A wireless controller?! Nobody else was doing this at that moment. The Playstation 2 controller was wired. The Wavebird was innovative and changed gaming controllers. Now everyone expects a controller to be wireless. We're all spoiled. But back in the Cube days, this was something different. It worked really well (for the most part). It was great to sit anywhere in the room while you played a Gamecube game!
I could go on forever about the Gamecube. I won't do that though. If you never got the chance to play Cube games, then you should definitely look for an old Gamecube or the original Wii system. These games are well worth playing!
All of the above pictures are from google
I'll be back on Friday with either a review or preview of a game!
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