Shovel Knight is one of the best Wii U Indie games released in the last few years. It taps into 2D retro nostalgia, while also offering up beautiful graphics and inventive/fun gameplay. Its a platformer you just shouldn't miss.
And now the developer, Yacht Club Games, has released the first of three extra campaigns for the game. FOR FREE. Shovel Knight just got even better.

Plague of Shadows is a major expansion to Shovel Knight. You get to play as an all-new character, Plague Knight, who controls a lot differently than the original character.
It took me a second to get use to these new controls. Plague Knight doesn't have a shovel, instead you use bombs to attack the enemy and hold down on the Y button to expand the characters jump via bombs. The bomb jump is very handy and lets the characters get up to higher places than Shovel Knight could. Though, this jump does have a side effect. At times, you have to jump to the next platform just right and if you're not careful with the bomb jump, you can get propelled fast the place you wanted to land. Basically the Plague Knight's controls are easy to learn, but hard to master.
As for the levels that Plague Knight will find himself in, so far they are remixed versions of Shovel Knight's levels. Some new challenges have been added here and there to take advantage of the character's bomb jump. Also you'll find new powerups and the town...well...I don't want to spoil that. If you haven't seen it, just wait. It was really surprising to me. Overall, the "new" levels are not very exciting so far but I'm not into the expansion too much yet, so maybe there will be more surprises.
What really makes Plague of Shadows worth playing is the new character, his movement, and how much more customizable he is than Shovel Knight. And because of how the character is, these levels seem familiar but so much harder. You'll feel like you really accomplished something when you beat each level.
Of course, if Plague of Shadows doesn't seem too much harder to you, then try the new Challenge Mode that come with the Plague of Shadows expansion. WOW. Those are really tough challenges.
And don't forget: we still have King Knight and Specter Knight expansions to look forward too. Plus Body Swap mode and Battle Mode. All of this will be FREE too. Yacht Club Games is amazing!
I love the Plague of Shadows expansion so far. Can't wait to play more of it!
The above pictures are from Yacht Club Games twitter. You can download the Plague of Shadows expansion now if you have Shovel Knight. The game is available on all the cool systems (Wii U, 3DS, etc)
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