Yesterday, I download the demo for Legend of Legacy, an upcoming 3DS rpg to be released next month. Here are my impressions of the demo so far:
Legend of Legacy is a turn-based rpg that reminds me of Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and the Legend/Secret of Man series. Basically, Legend of Legacy seems like it could have been a game developed by Square Enix. It wasn't developed by them though. Thats not say that the demo is perfect, its not, but it is an interesting experience and the demo is worth playing for sure. I'm not convinced that the actual game will be worth buying though. Time to get into specifics.
In the demo, you can choose from several characters to play as. Each character has their own introduction scene, but after that, the gameplay experience is basically the same. You only have two Forest areas to explore and fight in, plus there's a town to wander around in. The graphics for this game are beautiful. I love its slightly cel-shaded look. I also like how the "dungeon" environments (the forests) pop up out of the ground as you get near them. Its a really nice effect. The game has a great turn-based battle system too. I like how you learn abilities as you go and get to use them right away in battle. The demo also lets you try out the games streetpass feature (its good), you can take pictures in-game, and you can transfer saved data (yes the demo saves) to the actual game. These are all very nice features for a demo. As I said before, though, the demo is not perfect.
The demo gives you two areas to explore/fight in, but both areas are pretty similar to each other. Also, the enemies that you run into are the same ones over and over and over. I wish that we had been given two different areas to explore with each area having different enemies. But since it didn't, I didn't get a good sense of how the actual game will be. Does the game repeat environments and enemies as much as the demo? That would get old if it did. I also felt like the demo wasn't too long. And playing as a different character nets you different introductions, but it would have been nice to see different dungeons too. There were also too many sword/pike wielders to choose from. I wish there was more weapon variety with the characters. Maybe I'm asking for too much out of a demo, but this slice of the game didn't give me confidence in the actual game.
Legend of Legacy seems like a neat game, but I'm not sure if its a game I'll want to buy. The demo's repetition of areas to explore and enemies doesn't give me much confidence in the actual game. Plus, will all of the different characters stories be this much alike in the game? There are so many questions that the demo raised. I was really excited for the game before the demo and now I'm not sure. The demo looks great, the battles are great and there are some cool side features, but I'm just not sure about everything else.
Did you play the Legend of Legacy demo? What did you think about it? Please let me know in the comments!
The above picture is an in-game pic that I took in the demo.
I'll be back on Saturday with my First Impressions of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
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