Back in July, Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata died and many people started to think that we would no longer see Nintendo Directs. Iwata had been such a huge fixture on the Directs. How could Nintendo possibly continue them?
Earlier this month, though, Nintendo confirmed that we would see more Nintendo Directs. But they wouldn't tell us who would be in the Directs or what the Directs might feature.
Since then, Star Fox Zero for Wii U has been delayed, so we will no longer see that game in November. In fact, there seems to be a giant hole in Nintendo's schedule now.
Which brings me to some speculation thats probably wrong. The truth is that its impossible to predict what Nintendo will do next; Nintendo is very unpredictable. They like to surprise their audience, so they never do what fans expect them to do. So just keep in mind that this is probably wrong.
Here's what I think:
Now that Star Fox Zero is no longer in November, I think Animal Crossing amiibo festival and Mario Tennis (both for Wii U) will replace it. Both games are supposed to be out this year but neither game has a release date yet. November seems like the perfect time for both, especially amiibo festival because many will want to buy the amiibo figures for Christmas (or sooner).
I think Nintendo might have a Direct next month to announce this. Though it does seem like short notice for two games to get release dates like that, Nintendo has been announcing a lot of things a month before lately.
Yes, Nintendo could announce the release dates via Press releases, but I think they will want to bring Nintendo Direct back before the end of the year. Well, I think and hope that they will!
What else could a Nintendo Direct feature, you ask?
Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes comes out later next month. A Nintendo Direct would be the perfect time to show that game off more.
Fatal Frame for the Wii U is supposed to come out in October, so we should see that too. Also Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out in December. Yes, we've already seen a lot about it, but Nintendo definitely needs to promote it even more before it comes out.
More information on Project Treasure, such as a beta, might be revealed too.
And you should never count out surprises for this year or early next year. You may think that Nintendo has announced all their games for this year, but we still might see some surprise Nintendo eshop games or Virtual Console games. Plus I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to tease 3DS or Wii U games for next year.
Nintendo could put a lot into an October Nintendo Direct. I think we may see a Direct in October and in December. Though, I suppose, we may end up waiting till the end of the year to see the return of Nintendo Direct. I hope not. I really miss the Directs.
What do you all think? Let me know in the comments!
The above image was taken from Google and is copyright Nintendo.
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