I believe I've mentioned before how much I love time travel. Its not the only sci-fi concept that I love though. Another one is alternate dimensions. One of my favorite shows about that was Sliders. The first two seasons of that show were just so perfect. And while the game I want talk about today isn't like Sliders, it does involve alternate dimensions and does look extremely cool.
Oliver and Spike: Dimensions Jumpers, by Rock Pocket Games, will be coming to the Wii U. I hope this year but I'm not sure about the date. Dimension Jumpers has a wonderful art style (really beautiful) and a fantastic concept.
In the game, you play as Oliver, a boy who travels with his faithful dog Spike. He is on a journey to figure out his past & his future. To help him, he has been granted the ability to jump across dimensions. Oliver will go to different worlds and have parallel dimensions that he can jump across to solve puzzles and get further in the game. One example I saw in a video had the hero running through a level, jumping into the air, quickly switching over to another reality where he could swim and then switching back to the other reality to find himself in a ledge that use to be far away. I hope I'm explaining this right. It sounds tricky but when you watch a video of it (check near the bottom of this blog entry for that video), wow, its very seamless and looks easy.
Also I've seen video of the main hero as a boy but pictures of the hero as a girl. I wonder if you'll be able to choose your gender at the beginning of the game or if the heroes gender has been changed. I'm not sure. The website and info on the game is a bit unclear about this. Either way, though, I'm very excited about this game!
Take a look at these screenshots from the official website:

And here's a video:
For more information about the game, check out its official website here: http://www.oliverandspike.com/ and its facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/oliverandspike