I had heard of Teslagrad for awhile and thought it looked really good but I hadn't had the chance to play it. Till now. Thanks to #GamesMatter on Twitter, I got a free copy of Teslagrad. I went into the game hoping that it would be as good as the previews looked.
What did I find? Here is my review:
My first reaction to Teslagrad was WOW. My jaw was hanging open as I looked at the game's beautiful graphics. This game looks like an interactive cartoon. There is just so much detail to the scenery. This is the type of game that you want to show off to your friends or family. People will be interested in watching this game.
That said, I wasn't a huge fan of the story. The game is lovely to look at, but I wasn't sold on the story just being told via images with no spoken or written dialogue. Some people will love this. They will love trying to figure out what the story means exactly. I wasn't a huge fan. But the graphics and the gameplay kept me playing.
Teslagrad has really fun gameplay. New powers are introduced every so often to keep the puzzles interesting. The game is also VERY hard. The puzzles get more and more challenging. The boss fights are pretty tough but definitely well put together. One thing I didn't like about the gameplay, though, was that you are only given one Life. If you die once, you are put back to whatever the last checkpoint was. Sometimes its not too bad, other times, you have to backtrack a little bit. Also you never really know where the checkpoints are because the game doesn't a marker to let you know. I really wish it had one. The game also autosaves, which is nice, but it would have been cool for it had a place for you to save too.
Other gameplay features: the Wii U gamepad is used well. There is Off-TV mode and the game looks just as beautiful on the gamepad. Also when you have the game just on the TV, there is a map on the touch screen. I didn't use the map a lot but I can see how it would be handy. The game is just so well designed gameplay wise. It also sounds pretty great.
Teslagrad has an excellent soundtrack. I love this game's music, especially during boss fights where it gets pretty intense. The game also has really good sound effects.
Overall, Teslagrad is a great Wii U eshop game. Its not perfect: I wish the story was better, you had more than one life, and the checkpoints were better arranged. Though, in the end, those all nitpicks. Teslagrad is a beautiful game with excellent gameplay and a fantastic soundtrack.
If you haven't bought the game yet and you love platformers (with puzzles), you need to run to the eshop and get it now. It so worth the download.
My Score: 9/10
Thanks to Rain Games and #GamesMatter for my copy of this game.
All pictures are from the official Teslagrad website.
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