Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heroes of Ruin (3DS) Demo First Impressions

Today, I got to play the Heroes of Ruin (3DS) demo for the first time. My dad and I have been waiting awhile to play this game. We were really disappointed when the full game got pushed back to July 17th in the U.S. So how is the demo? Is the full game still worth buying?
Let me back up a bit, for those who don't know what Heroes of Ruin is. Heroes of Ruin is a game developed by a company called Nspace & published by SquareEnix. The game is an action rpg or to be more specific, a dungeon crawler. You start out by choosing one of four types of people to play as (only two available in the demo), customize them a bit, and then are thrown into the world of Veil. In this world, you go on quests, fight bad guys, collect loot, and have a great time. What makes Heroes of Ruin especially fun is that you can team-up locally, with a friend or parent (my dad & I will be teaming up) or online with friends or strangers.

In the demo, you can play locally with someone nearby or online with strangers (I suppose you could play with someone you know...but...well I'll get to that...).

The local multiplayer works great. The load times connecting locally are not too long and there were no errors at all while playing.

The online works...well...not so great so far. I did connect a couple of times with strangers, but other times I tried to connet & had an error. One time an error caused my system to reboot...

Also, finding a person you know online with Heroes of Ruin? It seems impossible. I started a game online and my dad could not find me when looking through the online player list. The same thing happened when my dad started a game. I could not find him at all. Worse: the demo does not support the 3DS's Join Friend friend list feature. :(

I'm hoping that in the actual game you'll be able to join your friend online right from the friend list. If not, well, I hope there is a better way to find your friends online in the actual game...

In any case, the online is the only real problem I have with the demo. The gameplay is fun, there's lots of loot to collect, bad guys to fight, the local multiplayer works great, and the graphics are nice.

Overall, its a really good demo and I can't wait to have the full game! July 17th is going to take forever. Well, at least I'll be able to play the demo while I'm waiting. :)

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