Friday, July 6, 2012

Amazing Spider-man Spoiler Free Review

I'm a huge Spider-man fan. Spidey is my favorite superhero and I still have a lot of his comics. That said, when I first heard about this movie I wasn't sure about it. A complete new cast and the origin retold again? And it hasn't really been that long since Toby Maguire's Spider-man movies too...

Then, I started to see previews for the movie. The more I saw of it, the more excited I started to get. It just looked like a really good movie. I admit, at first, I still wasn't planning to see it. Finally, I couldn't resist it though. It was a new Spider-man movie and it looked awesome.

So, I saw the movie on Thursday. I was prepared to like it, but I didn't think I'd like it more than the first two Maguire movies. That just seemed impossible.

Well, I was wrong. The new Spider-man movie is the best Spider-man movie yet. Andrew Garfield, who plays Peter Parker/Spider-man, blows Maguire's Peter/Spidey away. Garfield IS Peter Parker. He just lives in that role. And Spider-man? Wow! Finally a wisecracking Spider-man! Maguire's Spider-man wisecracked once in the first movie and that was pretty much it. His Spidey just didn't talk too much. Garfield's Spidey has a problem shutting up! Not saying he's never quiet, but if you compare him to Tobey's Spidey, he's a complete jabberbox. Garfield's Spidey is, without a doubt, the Spider-man from the comics.

As far as the rest of the cast: I'm not really a Gwen fan in the comics (I like MJ), but Emma Stone IS Gwen Stacy. She lives in the role too and does a great job of it. In fact, I like her better than MJ in the Tobey movies! Doctor Curt Connors is perfect too; so is Gwen's dad.

And Uncle Ben! Oh man. Martain Sheen IS Uncle Ben. He had something really great lines and just does a better job than Cliff Robertson did. Sally Field is good as Aunt May too! She and Sheen are very believable and great in their parts.

You might also be wondering about the story. I won't tell you what happens in it, but I will tell you that its a much darker story than the other Spidey movies. And yet, there's more humor than the other movies too. For Spider-man fan reference, the story is very much in the vain of a J.M. DeMatties Spidey story, but staring the Lee/Ditko Peter/Spider-man with the Romita Gwen. For the non-comic book fan reference, Garfield's Spider-man is different from the Maguire movies, but its full of more heart than those movies. Its much more focused on Peter Parker. Not to say there isn't any Spidey action, cause there is, but its without a doubt Peter's story.

Overall, its an AMAZING movie. I loved it.

Grade: A+


  1. No reason to exist whatsoever, but it’s still a fun, superhero flick that’s being released at a perfect time. However, I kept on being reminded of the original series every single time the film would touch on a plot-point. Too distracting for me at times, but I still had fun none the less. Solid review Daniel.

  2. Thanks. Glad you liked the review.

    I felt like there was no reason for it to exist before I started seeing previews of it (now I dont). This movie is far better than any of the other Spider-man movies because the characters, especially Peter/Spidey, felt just like the comic book ones. More so than any of the characters in the Tobey ones.

    Also, I didn't think about Tobey's movies at all when I watched this one. I was sucked into the movie's world. It was only after I saw the movie, that I started comparing it to Maguire's take.

    I say this as a fan of the first two Spider-man movies (what third movie? lol). I didn't think any other Spidey movie would top those. Amazing Spider-man topped those for me. And that really is saying a lot since I love the second movie & really liked the first one.

    As a Spidey fan, I'm happy. Can't wait to see more of this take on Spidey.
