Monday, July 27, 2015

The One-Hit Kill Should Be Retired

I've been playing platformers since I was just a little boy. I won't tell you how long ago that was. Longer than I want to think about ok? But I've always loved platformers. I think Mario is still the best, but there are plenty of other cool platformers out there too. There is one thing that really bothers me about more recent platformers though. This is a problem that some of the early platformers had and some Indies (especially) feel like they have to bring this old chestnut back.

I'm taking about the One-Hit and you're dead of course. Yes the traditional Mario game had this to an extent but there were mushrooms and other power ups you could get that would keep you from dying right away. These more recent platformers are not giving you those power ups. Instead, these Indies are calling on you to be Skilled or to take on the challenge. Don't get me wrong: I don't mind some challenge. I'm not saying that platformers should easy. But to have one hit kills and have to repeat a level over and over and over and over is just tiring. Maybe some people like doing that. Personally I think its boring and frustrating. I don't want my platformers to be boring or frustrating. I'd like some challenge, yes, but I don't want to feel like throwing my controller across the room.

One of the biggest problems with the one-hit kill is that developers are not including checkpoints in their levels. So if you get pretty far in a level or if you get almost to the end and die and then you have to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINNING. If developers are going to include One-Hit kills, then they should include checkpoints too. Or an easier mode.

I believe that the One-Hit Kill should be retired. Its just not fun to get die from one little mistake. Heart systems, life bars or power ups should be added to these platformers. Maybe its easier to program the one-hit kill than it would be to program any of the things I mention? I have no idea. I'm not a programmer. I am a gamer though and I do not find one-hit kills fun. I want challenge, but above all, I want fun. Give me a FUN platformer over a challenging one any day. I play video games for fun first and foremost.

Thats why when I get my hands on Super Mario Maker I won't be creating extremely hard levels like a lot of people will be doing. I'll be trying to make extremely fun levels!

What do you guys think? Should be one-hit kills be retired? Oh and if you have any cool, fun platformer suggestions for me on Wii U or 3DS throw them at me!


I should have a review up of Dragon Fantasy sometime this week. Might not be on a normal blog day. Not sure what else I have coming this week! See you soon though.

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