Zombie Incident, from developer CoderChild, was just released yesterday for the Nintendo 3DS eshop. The game harkens back to 2D side scrollers like Castlevania in its look and feel, while playing similar to a Mario game. You jump on your enemies head to defeat them.
The game is also a cheaper price game. Its only $1.99 on the eshop.
So with the game being a homage to older games and being priced at a bargain, what can we expect out of Zombie Incident? Is it a good game or should you just save your money?
Zombie Incident has a story at the beginning. Its a bit darker than you'd think too. Its very much a Castlevania-like story. Perhaps even darker then those games.
But the story is not really that important.
What is important about Zombie Incident is its gameplay. This is very simple game. There really isn't much to the gameplay but what is there is very challenging. The enemies are tough and most of all, you can get easily lost in the levels. The second screen map is a bit vague and doesn't help much.
Thankfully, the game does have a save system in place. When you beat all the zombies in a room with a door, the door will open and the game will save when you go through the door. I wish the game made let the player know about the save feature, though, because at first I thought there was no way to save the game (thanks to the developer for letting me know about this feature). That said, I am glad this game has a save. Zombie Incident is an extremely tough game. Its nice to be able to save and come back to it later.
The game also has an online leaderboard and you can see where you're ranked. The further you get in the game and the more enemies you defeat, the higher your score. Fans of going for the highest score they can get and then showing it off will love this. There is no multiplayer; local or online. I wish this game had more modes and extras.
Zombie Incident does control well though. You can use the A, B, & R buttons to jump, the touch screen to jump, or the up button on the D-Pad. That last option may be the best of the jump options. The D-Pad controls you're movement, your jump, and pressing down on the D-Pad is the only way to go into save doors, so you don't have to worry about another button when you use it. Its a simple, but very effective way to control the game. All of the controls work very well though. This is a hard game but the way the game controls makes it a really fun game too.
I really like Zombie Incident's graphics. Its very retro and nice looking. There is an Anime character on the title screen, though, and she doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game's artwork. Thankfully, the only time you see the art is on the title screen.
The game also has 3D and the 3D looks nice. Platforms stick out a bit and the levels seem to have more depth. That said, I liked playing in 2D more because the game just felt more retro that way.
Zombie Incident only has one song during the levels but it doesn't get annoying. Its very retro and so are the sound effects. Both are well done.
Zombie Incident is a good game. The retro gameplay, art, and sound are all well done. I like that the game has a save system, but I wish it had been a more obvious save system. Though, its nice to be able to take a break from this game. Zombie Incident is a hard game. I wish there had been an easy mode and that the bottom screen map hadn't been so vague. That all said, the game's controls work so well and the game is fun despite its difficulty.
If you like challenging (and fun) platformers, then you may want to download Zombie Incident. It is a good game and the price is the best you'll see on the 3DS eshop.
My Score: 7.5/10
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