This is not a review of Code Name S.T.E.A.M for 3DS. I got the game on Friday and I've been playing the game all weekend.
These are my thoughts on Code Name S.T.E.A.M so far:
Code Name STEAM is a wonderful looking game thats influenced by American comic books. This is most noticeable in the cutscenes where actual comic book panels show up. I absolutely love the cutscenes.
While the game's cutscenes are great, the story is very weird. I'm not altogether sure what's going on yet but I still think the cutscenes are incredibly cool. Most of the voice acting is pretty good so far, expect for Tom Sawyer. Ugh. And I'm not sure about the Scarecrow yet. We'll see. I do like most of the characters I've met, although I think a few of them may be a bit stereotypical (Tom being the worst so far and the main reason I don't like the character. well that and the voice).
STEAM's gameplay, though, is probably the best thing about the game. I'm so very addicted to the battles. Thats not to say the gameplay is perfect. I do wish there was a map available, even if you had to push the start button or some other button to bring it up. Its easy to get lost in the more complicated levels. Also STEAM is a VERY tough game. Its easy to get frustrated with some levels. That said, wow, I'm addicted to this game. The battles are so full of strategy, surprises, and the controls work very well. I'm playing the game on a regular 3DS and using a stylus to control the camera. Some people may not like that, but I think STEAM's stylus camera control is excellent. The rest of the controls are too. I like the game a bunch. I could barely stop playing the game over the weekend. And when I'm not playing STEAM, I'm thinking about playing it.
I've been sticking to the single player. I tried the online multiplayer just once and did horrible at it. I'll probably try it again after playing a bunch more of the single player.
Overall, I like Code Name STEAM a lot. Its very different from anything else Nintendo has ever done. Its a mix of the turn-based strategy & shooter put into a comic book blender. I can see why not everyone loves it. This game won't appeal to everyone. I think its amazing that Nintendo did this game though and I'm glad to see them trying new things. Oh and I hope enough people liked & bought the game so that there will be a sequel. I have no idea if thats even possible. I guess we'll see.
I do plan to do a review of Code Name STEAM sooner or later. But I have a bunch more of the game to play. It could be awhile before a review comes out! For those interested in the game, you should try the demo first and see if the game is for you. Hope you like it. I think its a really fun game.
The image at the beginning of this article is from the official Nintendo Code Name S.T.E.A.M. website here: . Copyright Nintendo of course.
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