Look at me! Don't I look cool?
I'm a bit closer to level 11 since I took that picture, but I'm wearing the same outfit right now. The level of customization in Splatoon is inkredible! Sorry. Couldn't resist. It is really great though. Its amazing how many different hats, shirts, shoes, and weapons there are in the game. And I've heard that Nintendo is planning to bring us even more! They'll be bringing us more online modes too. And that is great but...
Man, I'm addicted to whats already in this game! The online is VERY addictive. You'll find yourself wanting to play one more battle. Just one more battle and I'll eat or go to sleep or watch tv. You won't want to stop. The objective of Splatoon online is cover as much ground with your team's paint color as possible. Of course, some people are trying to play Splatoon as just a plain old shooter. Its obvious when people are going after other people and not covering the ground like they should be. You don't get points for splatting people! You get points for covering the ground. Sheesh. (though it is sometimes necessary and fun to splat someone). This game is so awesome.
The single player is included in that statement. The goal of single player is to shoot things. So if you want a more traditional shooting experience, check out the single player. Its not too traditional, though, because you'll still splat the ground a lot and go up walls and such. Also, it looks like the single player can help unlock things for the online!
Other important things to note:
The gamepad is ESSENTIAL for online multiplayer. You'll need that map to keep track of where you're teammates are and how much ground they are covering. But thats not all. You can punch on your teammate's names and zoom right to them! This is very handy. It'll help you help your team win the day!
I do wish it was easier to meet up with friends in online multiplayer. Right now, you can't make a room for just you and your friends or you, a friend, and some randoms. Basically one of your friends has to be playing Splatoon online already and you join in on their next battle round (if the servers are not too busy). Hopefully future updates will give us the ability to make rooms.
Voice chat? Nope. Its not needed. Thanks to the gamepad, its very easy to help out your teammates. Voice chat would've just added random people cursing at you.
Splatoon is a must own for anybody who has a Wii U. Its fun, addictive, simple to learn/hard to master, and both the online and single player are excellent. I'll try to have a review up sooner or later for this game but don't wait for my review. Just go out and buy this game!

The picture at the beginning of the article is a picture of my character from Splatoon! The final picture here is a picture of the Splatoon 3DS Theme (now available. Its awesome)