The first two times I played Splatoon on the Global Testfire, there were no major issues with the server. I think I might have gotten kicked out at the end a game once. No big deal. The first two Splatoon Global Testfires were a complete success!
The Splatoon Global Testfire on Saturday had a major bump. Also known as: we completely broke the Splatoon servers. A ton of people came on to play Splatoon at the same time and the servers couldn't take it. Some people were lucky enough to play one round before the server wouldn't them play again, while other people didn't get to play at all. I was one of the unlucky people who tried to play Splatoon, but failed. I found myself playing Squid Jump (the gamepad mini-game) a lot for that first hour. Then I decided that I'd go back into the tutorial mode and have some fun.

I painted this tree. Cause...why not?

I wanted to paint this entire place, but I didn't have the patience. Plus I kept wondering if the server was up yet.

I decided to launch myself out of the demo and see if the server was up yet.
It was almost time for the demo to be over. I thought I wouldn't get to play the Splatoon demo at all. But then, the server started working! And Nintendo decided to leave the server open for an EXTRA HOUR.
I got to play a bunch of Splatoon matches and had a ton of fun. I did get kicked out at the end of one match and never found out who won (I suspect my group) but, other than that, the demo worked great during the second hour.
Yes, I was annoyed during the first hour that the demo wasn't working, but I was super happy during the second hour. And as many people pointed out, its good that this happened NOW instead of on the first day of the full game. The Global Testfire, afterall, was a TEST of the online servers. So Nintendo found out the servers limit and now can work to make sure that doesn't happen again. I think thats great! In that way, the first hour of the Testfire was a success. I was so happy that Nintendo left the server open an extra hour. It was great to play the game again.
Now I'm ready for Friday. I have most of Splatoon downloaded onto my Wii U. I'm just trying to be patient till Friday. Its pretty tough. I'm sure I'll make it though. Splatoon is worth the wait.
I want to tell you now that there will be no blog entry on Friday. I'll be too busy playing Splatoon. I'll try to write up my first impressions of Splatoon on Saturday or Sunday.
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