This one could be a long shot for Wii U but, man, I hope not!
Children of Morta, currently on Kickstarter, could come to the Wii U if it reaches $100,000. Right now its only at $85,556. It has till Thursday to reach the Wii U goal.
Why do I hope this game comes to Wii U?
Well, first of all, there's the graphics. Children of Morta has a VERY nice retro graphical style. It reminds me a bit of the old PC adventure games that I love.
Not only that, but the gameplay looks really fun. The game centers around a family who just wants to bring peace back to their land. It looks like you'll get to pick which of the family members you want to play as: there's a father with the sword, a kid with a bow, and other ones with different weapons too. Its a hack'n'slash rpg, so all the combat is in real time and there looks to be so pretty cool dungeons and enemies to find.
The game will have local co-op too. That looks pretty interesting. I like local co-op better when its all on the same screen and not split screen co-op! It could be fun to team up with my dad for some monster slaying.
Another cool thing about Morta: it will have a crossover with Starr Mazer. As you all know, I'm pretty excited about that game. The main character of Star Mazer will show up on the outskirts of Morta! I also hear that there will a Morta crossover in Starr Mazer. It would be fantastic to see both games on Wii U and to see those crossovers.
Finally, I should mention that I don't have a PS4 or Vita. So if this game doesn't come to Wii U, I'll never get to play it. And I definitely do want to play this one.
Overall, the story, the graphics, and the gameplay look excellent.
Here are some screenshots from the Kickstarter page:
Starr Mazer crossover!


EPIC Morta Poster (ok, not a screenshot, but still awesome)

And here's a trailer for the game:
Interested in finding out more about this game (and/or backing it?), then please check out the Kickstarter page here:
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