My dad has Final Fantasy 3 and 4 for the DS. I haven't played either of these games in awhile. I remember that the Final Fantasy 4 remake was really good! It had some voice acting (no Spoony Bard voice acted though. ugh) and very good graphics. I didn't remember much about Final Fantasy 3 until I started playing it a little today...
And its very good too! It doesn't have voice acting like 4, but the graphics are pretty good still and the gameplay looks like its going to be addictive. I love job systems, so I decided I'd replay this one first. I'll probably replay 4 after I get done with this one.
The Final Fantasy DS remakes were very good. Square gave both games a nice visual upgrade and fine tuned the gameplay a bit.
I like how in Final Fantasy 3 all of the gameplay is on the touch screen, but it transfers to the top screen when you look at the menu. I like how the top screen has a drawn world map when you are running around in the overworld. There are other cool things about it too. I can't wait to play more of this game! I can't remember much of Final Fantasy 4's improvements, but I'll be sure to write about it once I start playing it.
Though, there is one downside to replaying these games and its that I start thinking about the Final Fantasy 6 remake. There was rumors or talk about a Final Fantasy 6 remake for the DS, but it never happened. Final Fantasy 6 is the best of the Nintendo Final Fantasy games in my opinion. Its a shame that Square has never got around to remaking it. Man, it would be wonderful on the 3DS. Imagine Final Fantasy 6 with upgraded graphics (like Bravely Default), the same gameplay, and maybe some voice acting. Wow. It would be the best remake ever.
It'll probably never happen though. Square did do a remake of Final Fantasy 1 for the 3DS eshop, but only in Japan. They've haven't brought it over to North America and it doesn't seem like they will. And Square is working on a Final Fantasy 7 remake for the PS4. I don't have a PS4, but I am worried that game will suck. Its too bad Square doesn't do the FF7 remake for the 3DS. That would be AMAZING. sigh. If only I ran Square Enix. lol. I'm sure a Final Fantasy 6 remake is not on their mind or if it is, it'll end up being on the PS4 or something. ugh.
Anyway, if you haven't played these Final Fantasy DS remakes and you like Final Fantasy, then I suggest you hunt them down. Both of them are great. It'll remind you of when the Final Fantasy series rocked.
The above Final Fantasy 3 picture was taken from here.
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