This is the sound of Solid Snake dying. I'm hearing this a lot lately.
Awhile back, I got a Playstation 1 again. I had kept a lot of my Final Fantasy games but nothing else. Then a really great friend (CARL!) came to my rescue. He sent me Metal Gear Solid in the mail.
Now I've mentioned in previous blog entries that I didn't like this game originally. It wasn't till I played Twin Snakes on the Gamecube that even appreciated the story. I did have the chance to play original after I played Twin Snakes and I liked it better (but still didn't love it). Fast forward to now and I have to tell you something: I LOVE THIS GAME. What was wrong with me? Why didn't I like this game originally? I'm not sure. Maybe it was because I sucked at it. Not much as changed there. I'm still not very good at this game. But I'm really loving the gameplay and the long cutscenes/codec conversations too.
Man do those cutscenes and codec conversations go on forever...
I do love the humor that is found in them though (Meryl's number is on the CD CASE!!!! lol). And the voice acting in this game is EXCELLENT. Especially David Hayter, but everyone else does a great job too.
Graphics wise, Metal Gear Solid doesn't look great during the cutscenes, but I think the actual gameplay holds up pretty well. I think it has a lot to do with the overhead view. When you get a close up view during cutscenes or looking around corners, you can see the imperfections more. But with the overhead view, everything looks pretty good.
I didn't like the overhead view back in the day. I'm really liking it now. In fact, I'm enjoying this game a lot more than I originally did.
Can't wait to see play it even more!
Thanks Carl. :)
All of the above pictures were found here on google.
I'll be back on Monday with my Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes demo impressions!
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