The day before their Digital Event, Nintendo had a surprise for Wii U eshop fans: Nindies@Home. This special event allowed players (for a limited time) to download several demos of upcoming Indie games. I downloaded each and every one of these demos. And was definitely excited about a few of them. Of course, with E3 and all my various reviews I write, I haven't had a chance to write about any of them....till now. On Friday, I'll talk about Runbow. Today, I'd like to talk about Typoman.
The first time I played Typoman, I had no idea what to do. The game didn't have a tutorial or even an explanation about what it was about. You were just thrown into the game. Not the best introduction. So, I quickly stopped playing the game. And then the game was demoed during Treehouse Live at E3. Typoman was clearly explained there and shown off. I knew right away that I HAD to play the demo again.
The main objective is in this game is to move letters and create new words. The words will help you get past obstacles. For instance, look at the picture above. In it, you see the word SLOW. The character created that word with some letters. Now see that word CRUSH? If the main character goes under it at the wrong time, he'll be crushed for sure. With the slow there, though, the crush obstacle will go slow and Typoman should be able to get past it. When I played this level, I created the word STOP. But I had to create it at the right moment. If you create it at the wrong moment, you can't get past the obstacle (its too close to the ground). These word creation puzzles are very unique. Typoman is unlike any other games I've seen on the Wii U eshop.
Hey wait. This picture looks familiar. Yes, its almost the same picture that I started this article with. As you can see, its raining. There's also that big hole full of water down there. Typoman can't get past that because if he touches t he water, he'll die. So here we go with word creation again. The word up there says rain but you can change it into something else. There is a rope with the letter D up above. You can get on the rope and swing the letter over to RAIN creating....DRAIN. The hole will completely drain and Typoman can get past the obstacle. There are many other cool puzzles like this too. Typoman is such an inventive game. I enjoyed my time with the game. In fact, I need to play the demo again soon.
This demo is a TRAP for sure. Once you play it and you understand whats going on, you'll want to play the full game. I know I want to. And you get a discount if you downloaded the demo! Awesome!
Well, thats it for now. See you on Friday for Runbow.
The above pictures were taken from Google here.
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