Yesterday, Nintendo brought out some new games for the 3DS's streetpass feature. The games are Battleground Z and Ultimate Angler. I've had a chance to play both a little. Here are my first impressions of them.
Ultimate Angler is, of course, a fishing game. When you streetpass someone, you can get bait from them to fish with and the street passer(s) will come along with you to an island where you can fish. The fishing in this game isn't as simple as Animal Crossing's fishing but its not as complex as some fishing games can get. You do have to be very careful when reeling in a fish because your line can break or the fish can get away. The game can be a little tough at times.
Graphics wise, this game is a whole lot better than the previous streetpass games released. Ultimate Angler looks like a stand alone fishing game. You can see that Nintendo took their time with it. The graphics are very nice.
The game (sort of) has a story. Its nothing great, but it serves its purpose. Ultimate Angler also has a little Clubhouse where you can make or buy new fishing rods or tanks for your fish with in-game money. You can also look up challenges and view other players (that you street passed) fish tanks.
For a streetpass game, Ultimate Angler has a lot of features! Its very impressive so far.
But even more impressive is Battleground Z. Battleground Z is a game where you fight zombies. When you encounter people you streetpassed, they'll give you weapons (or team up with you). Their weapons are based on what the person you streetpassed put as their Hobby. For instance, my dad put Helping Others as his hobby and I got a superhero costume. My mom put Playing Video Games and I got a Wii Remote!
Battleground Z is impressive because you actually wander around environments, fighting zombies, and sometimes accomplishing goals. The levels all look different so far and each level gives you something new to do.
The graphics in this game are very nice too. Its obvious why Nintendo only did TWO streetpass games this time around. They took their time and made really fun, very polished games for streetpass.
Oh and Battleground Z has more of a story than Ultimate Angler. The story wouldn't win any awards but I like it. And it has a really cool area where you can check out all the weapons and zombies you've encountered so far!
Of the two games, I definitely like Battleground Z more, but Ultimate Angler is a good game too.
I'm also very happy that Nintendo has included new hats in the update and also different types of speech balloons. These new upgrades and these new games make me even more excited to play streetpass. I'm pretty lucky because I get multiple street passes per day because my mom and dad have a 3DS too! So I'll be playing both these games more.
If I run into any more cool features on these two games, I'll be sure to either update this post or write up a new post.
Right now, I recommend these games a lot if you get a lot of streetpasses where you're at. Though, you can use Play Coins too to summon Miis to help you in Battleground Z or cats or dogs to help you in Ultimate Angler (depending on which one you said you liked). Very neat. I used some play coins on both games and enjoyed myself.
These two games are, without a doubt, the best Streetpass games that Nintendo has done.
I'll be back on Monday with an Indie Game preview!
All of the pictures in this article are from the official Nintendo website and are copyright Nintendo.
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