About Video Games! For even more thoughts, you can find me at @df2506 on twitter!
Friday, October 31, 2014
The Best Time of the Year
I know I mentioned this before, but I love Halloween. Its not just the candy (though I do love that). I also love spooky/creepy movies & series, all the decorations people put up for the holiday, and just about everything else about Halloween too.
My family has a Halloween tradition. We've been doing this for a few years now. We play Animal Crossing (whatever the latest version is) and have snacks that night. Its usually pizza rolls, chips and such.
This year, like last year, we'll be playing Animal Crossing New Leaf. I think New Leaf has the best version of Halloween yet! Much like City Folk, you have to give Jack the Pumpkin King candy to get furniture and you have to avoid your neighbors. They chase after you for candy!
New Leaf, though, adds Halloween MASKS to the mix. You can wear the masks on Halloween and go into your neighbors house (only works if they are inside) and maybe scare them. The different animals are afraid of different masks. So you have to find the right mask to scare a neighbor. If you do find the right mask, you get a lollipop! The lollipop can be given to Jack for some special furniture. Its so much fun scaring the animals!
I really love New Leaf's take on the holiday. Its going to be fun playing it again this year. I'm not even collecting the furniture this time.
I just want to have some goofy Halloween fun.
I'l be back tomorrow with another preview for an Indie game!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Folding Your Way Through
One game that has really amazed me, graphic wise, for awhile now is @nyamyamgames Tengami. The game is already out elsewhere, but it will be out for Wii U on November 13th! What makes the graphics so special?
In Tengami, the player transverses a beautiful paper craft environment. I doubt I could explain how great this game looks. So just take a look at a few screenshots:
Aren't those screenshots amazing?! The art design for Tengami is out of this world!
As far as gameplay, the Tengami website describes the game as "an atmospheric adventure game, full of wonder and and mystery, set in Japan of ancient dark fairy tales. Flip, fold, slide, and pull parts of the world to solve puzzles and and discover secrets."
Wow. I love the adventure genre. I'm so happy to see more adventure games on the Wii U, especially one this good looking.
Take a look at this stunning trailer:
I really hope I get to review this game. The graphics are gorgeous and the gameplay sounds very inventive. Everyone should have their eyes on this game. Reminder: its coming out November 13th for the Wii U. In the meantime, take another look at that trailer. Man. What a great looking game.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Stealth Inc. 2 (Wii U) Review
Stealth Inc. 2, an action puzzle platformer, sneaks onto the Wii U eshop tomorrow. Don’t let it get by you though! Let me tell you why Stealth is one of the best games coming to the eshop soon.
Stealth takes place in a factory where clones do all the hard work: they are thrown through test chambers filled with danger! This is done in order to test products (and also to torment the clones).
The game's story is told through static cut scenes (that have some animation) with dialogue appearing beneath them. These cutscenes are not bad but not great either. The story is also told through, much better, dialogue that is written on the walls during gameplay. The human overseer mocks you while you are trying to solve puzzles. This reminds me a lot of Portal. I love it. That said, the story is not the most important part of the game.
Gameplay is king in Stealth. The clone you play as gets to explore a wide open Metroidvania like environment and visits special test chambers too. The test chambers are action puzzle rooms. You have to figure out how to get through them as quickly and safely as possible. A lot of these test chambers are VERY hard. To say they are challenging may be an understatement. You also get graded for each test chamber. Good grades are nice to see but getting through levels with any grade can feel rewarding. If you get too frustrated with a puzzle, my advice is stop playing the game and come back later. I did this on several puzzles and it always worked. I got through a puzzle after a brief rest from the game. This worked almost every time. Thankfully, none of the frustration you may feel is because of the games controls.
The gamepad controls work really well and don't do anything to hinder gameplay. The touch screen is especially handy during the open environments because of the constant map on the gamepad. Off-TV mode is good but you won't have the map always on the touch screen screen. I enjoyed playing the game both ways. There is also two more game modes, other then the single player, that should be noted.
Stealth Inc. has a level editor. The editor is very complex and a bit hard to get into. There are no tutorials, so you have to figure out things yourself. The editor has a ton of Objects to create with and its tricky figuring out what each item does. The best part is that these levels can be uploaded to the internet so that others can play them. So if you can't figure out the editor, you can still go and play the levels others create! I imagine there are going to be some amazing levels from players after people learn how to use the creator. I do wish there were tutorials to help newbies like me, but I still think the editor is fun and pretty great. I can't wait to see what people create with it!
There is a two player local co-op mode that can be unlocked. I wasn't able to try it out for this review. Too bad it wasn't online co-op but I'm sure the local multiplayer is a nice extra for people who want it. This game has some really cool unlockables.
Finally, I should mention how much I liked the game's soundtrack. The music on the larger map is especially good. The game's sound effects are well done too. There are no voices in this game. I'm fine with that.
Stealth Inc 2 is a fun, challenging game. I wish the cutscenes were better, the co-op was online, and that the level editor had tutorials & was more user friendly, but, these are small issues in the end. This game has so much great content.
Stealth Inc. 2 is a must buy Wii U eshop game.
MY SCORE: 9.9/10
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Eshop Armageddon
On October 16th , the eshop did not blow up
This Thursday, the Wii U eshop might be really DOOMED. Seriously.
Can gamers handle a ton of cool eshop releases...AGAIN?! Take a look at this lineup:
Stealth Inc. 2 (by @curvestudios): These guys again?! Man, as if releasing on the first eshop doomsday wasn't enough! Curve returns to release another game and its on the second big eshop day of the month. Sheesh. My review of Stealth will be on this blog tomorrow!
Tretrobot and Co. (by @NekoEnt): An action puzzle game, reminds me of Toki Tori 1 a bit. I don't know much about it, but the trailer looks good!
Costume Quest 2 (by @DoubleFine): This is not confirmed for North America for Thursday. It is coming to Europe for sure. I do think it'll be in NA Thursday too. Why? Because this game is pure Halloween and Friday is Halloween. Definitely the best time for this game to be coming out. As I said in another blog entry, I'm looking forward to this one a lot.
Rock Zombie (by @enjoyupgames): An action side scrolling game set at an all female rock group concert. This game looks so goofy, bloody, and kind of fun. I'm not 100% sure its my type of game though. That said, its nice to see something different come to the eshop. Variety is GOOD.
Falling Skies (by @littleorbit): Based on the TNT tv series of the same name. Falling Skies is an action sci-fi series. The video game is a strategy rpg. It'll be download only for the eshop. Its $39.99, so much higher than the other games on this list. Will it be any good? Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I'll find out soon.
Cosmophony (by @MovingPlayer): Cosmophony is, according to its website, a "rhythm shooter game with a high level of challenge." It looks like a very surreal, unique experience.
Pixel Paint (by Two Kernel Connection): Pixel Paint is a pixel art creation app. I did a review for it here: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/29/pixel-paint-wii-u-review/
To sum it up: AVOID THIS TITLE.
Also coming to the Virtual Console on Thursday:
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (by Nintendo): Kirby games are always fun. I don't think I've played this one but I'm sure its good!
Demon's Crest (by Capcom): Staring the same character as Gargoyle's Quest. This game appeared on the SNES. I never played it. Gargoyles Quest was pretty hard. If this is that hard, count me out!
Gargoyle's Quest 2: The Demon Darkness (by Capcom ): Releasing for Wii U and 3DS. As I said, the first one was hard. Not sure about this one.
And thats all the titles I know about! As with Oct. 16th, there may be more games coming this Thursday. Who knows?! (I'll update this post if I hear about more)
Can the Wii U eshop handle all these games?! Can gamers?! I guess we'll find out soon!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Fantasy Life First Impressions
Level 5 and Nintendo brought Fantasy Life, an action rpg, to the 3DS last week. I've played 22 hours so far and can hardly stop playing the game. Here are my first impressions:
Fantasy Life is set in the world of Reveria. You play as a guy (or gal) starting out in the town of Celeste. You have to decide what you look like first and then pick a job.
I love the character creation at the beginning. There are a lot of different ways you can make your character look. So many, in fact, that I can't wait to eventually start a different save file (there are THREE) and have a character that looks different. I also really, really love the Jobs. There are 12 jobs or lives as they are called in the game. All of them are unique and cool.
After you have your character and your life, you go get a license from the Guild and go to see the King.
Thats as much as I'll tell you about the beginning. I don't want to spoil it for you. I will say that the story is fun. However, the gameplay is what makes Fantasy Life addictive.
Whether you're a wizard who slings spells, a Paladin out for justice, an Alchemist making potions, or any of the other jobs, you'll find plenty of things to do. There is so much to explore just in the town of Celeste and even more in the larger world. Thank goodness for the awesome map on the touch screen.
The bottom screen is your constant friend.You access your map, inventory, and more on the bottom screen. On the top screen, all the action happens. Exploring Reveria, taking on quests, going through the story, etc.
The game has 3D and it looks very nice. Especially in the animated cutscenes that you see early on. Though 3D is not a must during gameplay and you may just want to turn it off once and awhile.
So far, I really love this game. The game is so very addictive!
I'll have more thoughts of Fantasy Life soon. Maybe I'll tell you about one of my favorite jobs next time.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Watch the Ghost Lights
@MobotStudios, developer of the wonderful Paper Monster Recut on Wii U, are also developing another game called Knite and the Ghost Lights for PC and Wii U.
Knite is a stop motion animated game. Yes, you heard me right: STOP MOTION ANIMATED GAME. Think of all the work that must be going into this game. I love stop motion. Its something you rarely see anymore (in the age of CG movies). You have to be VERY talented to pull something like this off.
And I have to say that, so far, the screenshots for this game look amazing:

WOW right? Take a look at the kickstarter video too:
I'm excited for this game. Paper Monsters Recut was so great. I think Knite will be even better. I'll definitely do an update blog about this game when I know more about it.
For now, just go ahead and look at those screenshots again. Whew. What a great time to be a gamer!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Visiting the Pier
Pier Solar, a role playing game developed by @watermelongames, was originally brought out for the Sega Genesis. It was released in 2010 for the long dead system. On November 6th, 2014, Pier Solar HD will appear on the Wii U.
This updated version of Pier Solar has better graphics than the original, but you can switch to the old graphics if you want to. The game will have 50+ hours of gameplay, a turn-based battle system, and lots of stuff to do. It looks like a really excellent rpg. Its so exciting to see an rpg appear on the Wii U eshop.
Here! Take a look at this trailer:
Friday, October 24, 2014
A Tale of Two Brothers
Recently, I talked about @AckkStudios's Y2K. They also have another game in development called Two Brothers (for Wii U too).
Two Brothers is an action rpg. I really love the black & white style for normal play. And when your character dies, instead of a game over, you go to visit the land of the dead! Which is in FULL COLOR.
Such a unique, interesting concept and amazing visual styles.
Look at this screenshot:
And this:
Oh and here's a trailer:
I've been hearing about this game for awhile now. I really hope it'll be coming to Wii U soon. I think it would make an excellent addition to the system!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Here Come the Apps
I'm not a cellphone person. I have never owned a cellphone and don't plan to get one. I like being cut off from the world when I'm out shopping or seeing a movie at the theater.
Still, I do take my 3DS with me for Streetpass. I can hardly leave home without the 3DS.
The 3DS can't make phone calls but it does have one thing cellphones have: Apps. Streetpass, music, youtube, netflix, camera. More are slowly on their way...
I reviewed KORG DSN-12 for Shigeru Reviews recently. Its a music creation app.
Pokemon Art Academy is coming at midnight tonight. I believe there's already an Art Academy on the eshop too.
There's also a Hulu app.
I'm sure theres others on the way.
And lets not forget the Wii U. Its not portable but it does have plenty of apps. Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Art Academy so far.
There's an upcoming Pixel Art app. I'm sure there's more I don't know about.
Why do I bring this up?
Because I'm not a cellphone person. I don't have a lot of experience with apps. I find it exciting but also slightly disturbing that apps are coming to 3DS and Wii U.
Exciting because apps, like netflix, are handy and free to download. Disturbing because I worry that we could be in for a future where we are over run with apps, many of them useless, among our games. Games should be the focus of the 3DS and Wii U. I don't want 3DS and Wii U to become like cellphones (without the calling).
Apps can be handy but some of them are time wasters and not very well put together.
Here's hoping I'm worrying for nothing...
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Stealth Inc. 2 (Wii U) First Impressions
Curve Studios is doing some really cool games lately. I am reviewing two of their games, one for this site and one for @ShigeruNews.
Today I want to talk about the game I'm reviewing for this site. Here are my first impressions of Stealth Inc. 2 for Wii U.
Send in the Clones!
Stealth Inc. 2 has you playing as a clone who is sent into some really frightenly hard test chambers. The test chambers are action puzzles that you have to solve. You put your robot through these tests and hope he doesn't get blown to pieces.
So far, Stealth is a fun, challenging game. You should expect to die. You'll die a lot. The dying is very funny though. Honest. Well, its sort of bloody too.
The game also has a wonderful sense of humor. It reminds me of Portal a bit.
I love the test chambers and the bigger exploration based level too.
Oh and did I mention the Level Editor? Its very intense. I'll talk about it more in my review.
I'm enjoying Stealth Inc. 2 a lot! Its a very unique, interesting game for Wii U. It'll arrive on the eshop next week!
Look for my review of Stealth Inc. 2 next week. My review of Curve Studio's Lone Survivor is up on Shigeru News here: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/lone-survivor-directors-cut-wii-u-review/
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Living A Fantasy Life
Later this week, Fantasy Life comes to the Nintendo 3DS.
For quite a while now, I've had my eye on this game. When it was over in Japan, I thought it was interesting but started to doubt whether the game would ever come to North America. Then, when it was announced for NA, I was interested but not sold on it at first. At E3 this year, during Treehouse Live, Nintendo sold me on the game. Fantasy Life has everything I love in a video game: rpg elements, Sim elements, and it just looks really fun!
In Fantasy Life, you can play as one of 12 different jobs or lives as the game calls them. You can shift between these jobs at anytime. There's everything from a Paladin to a Tailor. You take on a job and then go off into the world. There's action, adventure, and collecting lots and lots of stuff.
Man, you can even be a carpenter and make furniture for your room! You can buy a house, get a pet, etc. Fantasy Life has a lot to do. I've heard the story isn't too long but the extra content really keeps the game going a long time. Plus there's Day One DLC to download if you want. sigh. I wish I was getting the game day one.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to get Fantasy Life till Christmas. For now, I'll just have to be jealous of everyone thats getting the game this week!
UPDATE: Wow. How plans change! Looks like I will be getting Fantasy Life before Christmas. I'll be getting it THIS SATURDAY in fact.
I will do some blog entries dedicated to Fantasy Life in the weeks to come.
My Stealth Inc. 2 review is still coming next week. And of course I'll continue to tell you about cool new Indie Wii U and 3DS games that are on the way!
Here's a trailer for Fantasy Life:
Monday, October 20, 2014
Off to Another Planet
Last time, Developer Renegade Kid took us to the moon. Next time, they'll be taking us to several different planets!
Xeodrifter is the name of RK's next game. Its a Metroidvania type game where you explore, get powerups, and battle many enemies. A recent map showed four worlds to explore. It may not be a long game but it looks to be a really fun game.
Take a look at this:
Isn't that cool?! I'm very excited for this one. Renegade Kid has a great track record with their games. I also have to admit that I'm very interested for their other upcoming game Treasurenauts!
Still, there's something about a fun Metroidvania game..
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Paper Monsters Recut Review
What if someone took LittleBigPlanet and Mario’s gameplay and threw them into a blender with paper?
If they did that, you’d (almost) have Paper Monsters Recut for Wii U. Developer Mobot Studios has created a game that has all of that, plus its own crafty charm and some non-platforming gameplay too.
Let me tell you just how much I love this game.
Paper Monsters Recut doesn't have a story. It really doesn't need one either. The truth is that most platformers don’t have a story and we could care less. Why? Because we love the gameplay.
Recut’s gameplay is so much fun. I couldn't stop smiling and wanting to play more of this game. Every level seemed to bring a new surprise, whether it was some new unique enemy (snot monster!), jumping around on a train, flying through the sky on a jetpack, and more. Paper Monsters gameplay never gets boring. Every level is packed with fun.
Though, the game is not packed with challenge. I’m not going to say you’ll never die. You may die once and awhile, but overall, the game is more about fun and less about frustration. If you are looking for a challenging game, look elsewhere. Personally, I love it. I’d rather be having fun with a game than dying over and over a million times. Also Paper Monsters is all about the gameplay and not about gimmicks.
Recut doesn't use many of the gamepad’s unique features. In fact, the only one it uses is Off-TV. The off-tv play looks perfect though. Paper Monsters is a lot of fun to play on TV and off-tv. The graphics look great on both.
Paper Monsters’ graphics are really wonderful. The game looks like someone crafted all the characters and backgrounds with paper. It is a beautiful game. Its also very pleasing to the ears.
I really like this game’s music and sound effects. One of my favorite pieces of music in this game is during the killer Western levels. Its all very well done.
In fact, that’s the best thing to say about Paper Monsters Recut. The game is so well done. It is a game that anyone, any age, can pick up and play. Everyone will have fun with this game.
Paper Monsters is a must have game on Wii U. Its fun and it looks great. I highly recommend you run out and buy it NOW!
My Score: 9/10
Note: I received a copy of this game via a contest held by @Mobotstudios
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I remember Y2K!
Back at the end of 1999, some people were worried that computers would stop working at the start of 2000 because of something called the Y2K virus. It never happened. And now you never hear anyone talk about this non-event anymore.
Developer @AckkStudios has an upcoming game called Y2K. Its a 3D modern day RPG and will be coming to the Wii U. I have no idea how Y2K fits into the story but man. Look at this story!
Here's how the official website describes the story:
" When an erratically behaving elevator claims the life of a young woman, unemployed recent college graduate Alex Eggleston takes to a primitive 1990s message-board to find answers about the death of this stranger. His quest for answers leads to more questions as his research points him to a mysterious van the internet has dubbed the "Death Cab". This vehicular oddity roams the game's city and countryside. Who is driving it? And despite the death toll surrounding the vehicle, why does no one seem to recognize its threat? "
Isn't that such a crazy story?! Oh man. I really dig it. Plus....
The game looks SO VERY GOOD. The graphics and gameplay remind me of Earthbound, expect (of course) with much better graphics.
Here's a screenshot:
For even more screenshots, check out the official website here: http://ackkstudios.wordpress.com/project-y2k/
Wow. This game looks perfect for Wii U. I'm very excited for it!
Btw, the same developer has another game called Two Brothers coming that looks pretty awesome too! I will try to do a blog entry on that game soon.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Bayonetta Shocker
When I first saw Bayonetta 2, I thought it looked awful. It seemed like there was too much action and no substance to the game. It didn't appeal to me at all.
Then, I saw some gameplay on Nintendo Treehouse Live last month and thought that the game looked really good. Sure, there was lots of action, but the graphics looked amazing and it also looked fun. I was definitely interested in Bayonetta 2 for the first time.
This month, we received a demo on the eshop for the game and I tried it out.
First of all, the graphics are really AMAZING. I can think of no other game that looks this good on Wii U. It looks like a game you'd find on a Sony or Microsoft system. I mean that in a good way. I'm sure Bayonetta really pushes the power of the Wii U and shows off what the system can really do. Its also not an all ages game like Nintendo usually does. Bayonetta 2 is an Adult game. Kids should stay far away from Bayonetta. This game is meant for an older audience only. Bayonetta 2 is rare thing indeed for the Wii U.
Another thing thats rare and amazing about Bayonetta is the the action. Wow. Bayonetta never lets up. This is a fast paced, action packed thrill a minute game. It reminds me a lot of Devil May Cry. Expect a lot harder. Get ready to keep pressing buttons and never stop pressing them (well expect for the occasional cutscenes). Bayonetta 2 does have a Touch screen control option and thats kind of neat, but I think the button method is a lot better. Still, its nice to see Bayonetta make use of some of the Wii U's many features. That all said, I really suck at this game.
I died a lot while playing Bayonetta. I just couldn't keep up with all the action. My hands were getting tired. And it made me realize that while the game is VERY impressive, it is also not a game for me. I like action games like this, but I don't love them. I'm more of a Sim/Rpg/Puzzle game fan. So yes, I won't be buying Bayonetta 2 when it comes out. Why do I bother writing about it then? Why am I hyping this game up to you?
Its simple. I want to say this: IF you really love action games, BUY BAYONETTA 2. If you want Nintendo do more MATURE GAMES, buy Bayonetta 2. This is going to be a game that many people will love. Its looks wonderful on the Wii U, it plays great, and its totally different than anything else Nintendo has done. It'll be a must have for many people. Those players SHOULD seek this game out, buy it, and play it to death. Its important that this game is supported. I know those fans are out there. The Wii U needs to have all kinds of games. I hope Bayonetta 2 sells well in America and Europe.
Thats why I wrote this blog entry. I want to help make sure fans hear about this game. Everybody should check out the demo. EVERYBODY. No matter what type of game you like. Just please give the Bayonetta 2 demo a try and see if its to your taste.
Bayonetta 2 is definitely worth a look.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Paper Monster Recut Impressions
Paper Monsters Recut, coming to the Wii U eshop today, is a really wonderful game so far. Let me tell you why!
The first thing you'll notice about Paper Monsters is the graphics. All of the characters and backgrounds look like they were made out of paper crafts. The graphics remind me of LittleBigPlanet a little bit (expect paper instead of sack). Though, the gameplay has its own unique charm for sure. The papercraft graphics makes it seem like someone just handcrafted all the levels. Sometimes I just want to stop and stare at them. But I don't do that too much because I'm having so much fun with the gameplay!
The gameplay is (mostly) platforming that reminds me of Mario and LittleBigPlanet a bit. Though, the game also shares something in common with games like Metroid. Paper Monsters, like Metroid, lets you can take your time and explore a bit (the levels have no time limit). You'll want to do this because there are many hidden areas in the game. That said, you do have to look out for the enemies roaming around the levels! The Paper Monsters you run into are very creative (and deadly). I especially like the Snot monsters. You heard me right, there's a snot monster! Its a funny creature without a doubt. Watch out for when it sneezes! You know, I would have been happy if the game was JUST platforming and Metroid-like exploring. Its a bit more than that though.
At one point, early on, you go through a pipe and end up piloting a sub! You push one of the bottom trigger buttons on the gamepad to shoot missiles at the underwater enemies. The sub is a lot of fun to play as and a nice change of pace from the platforming. Thats not even my favorite part of the game though. My favorite part is when you put on a spacesuit, strap on a jetpack, equip a blaster, and roam around in space themed levels! The outer space levels are so awesome. There's still platforming to do, but its so much fun to be able to shoot the enemies and zoom up into the sky thanks to the jetpack. Wait till you see these levels. Oh man. Though, I have to say, Paper Monster Recut's gameplay is an absolute joy no matter the level. I really love the game.
Paper Monsters Recut comes out later today. I couldn't stop smiling the entire time I was playing it the other day and I can't wait to play it more.
I will have a review of the game sooner or later, but if you love platformers, don't wait for my review. Buy it!
I won an early copy of Paper Monsters Recut from @MobotStudios yesterday. Many thanks to them!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Cubemen 2 Impressions
I'm not a big fan of Tower Defense games. I've played a few and thought it was an ok genre. Of course, I'm not very good at TD games; that may be the main reason I'm not a big fan.
Cubemen 2 is a Tower Defense game for Wii U and I like it. Well, I like it so far. I haven't had the game very long. What do I like about the game?
Cubemen has a very unique graphical style. The characters and the ground seem to be made out of, well, cubes. Yes, its all very blocky, but I like it a lot. Making the style even cooler is that you can change the Cubemen's outfits to make them look like knights, zombies, and more! You can also change the way the levels look too.
The levels themselves start out very easy but quickly get harder. i admit I'm not very good at this game so far. I still really like it and hope to get better. The gameplay, though, isn't my favorite feature of the game!
Cubemen 2 has a level editor! You can create your own levels and then share them with other people. I have been playing around with the editor but haven't created a level yet. Its a pretty complex editor & I'm still learning the ropes. I have looked at some levels other people created and they are amazing! Doubt I'll ever create anything that good but hopefully I'll create something neat. There are so many features to Cubemen 2 overall. I know I haven't seen them all.
Cubemen 2 has online multiplayer; I haven't tried it yet. I also saw that there were a lot achievements. Not sure what other features it has yet. I should note that this is NOT a review. I'l write a review of Cubemen 2 after playing the game a ton more.
My first impression though? Cubemen 2 is a very cool game. I've never played a Tower Defense game like this one before!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Playing With Legos
Duck Dodgers will be in Lego Batman 3.
I'll just let that sink in for a moment.
Oh and Conan O'Brian will be in the game too. Also Kevin Smith, Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, and Adam West.
Lego Batman 3 will take Batman into outerspace in his strangest, most exciting Lego game yet. It seems like the developers said, " Its our third Lego Batman game! Lets go crazy!" Duck Dodgers man. And not just regular Duck Dodgers either. Its Dodgers in a Green Lantern outfit (note: there was a cartoon where this happened).
I admit I'm getting pretty excited by this game. There will be TONS of DC characters and some non-DC characters to play as, Lantern worlds to explore, a 60's Batman level, and who knows what else.
And don't forget about the DLC. Several DLC packs have been announced, including Man of Steel and Arrow. I'm sure it'll all be...
Oh. Wait. I only have a Wii U. The DLC will not be on the Wii U...
I still don't understand why not either. Nintendo has been doing dlc for some of their games and Ubisoft brought over Assassin's Creed 3 dlc. So dlc is possible on Wii U. Why does WB never bring dlc to Wii U?
It especially bugs me this time because the dlc packs for Lego Batman 3 will have characters AND special levels. sigh
I just don't get it. I love the Lego games. I've bought most of them for Wii U. I am very excited for Lego Batman 3. Why does the WB hate Wii U players??
Still...Duck Dodgers. Green Loontern. sigh
Monday, October 13, 2014
Fused Together
Blok Drop U by @rcmadiax is one of my favorite Wii U puzzle games. Its Fun, addictive, and challenging at times. I highly recommend it!
Twisted Fusion by @leuvsion is a Platformer thats not even out on Wii U yet. It looks good but I don't know much about it.
Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion is a crossover game combining the world of Fusion with the block puzzles of Blok Drop U. And it looks...
It looks fantastic! The games graphics are very colorful and well done. The puzzles of Blok Drop are taken to the next level. You still have to get rid of blocks but in addition, theres a little creature to save & enemies to destroy. Some of the levels look quite devious. I'm very excited for this game.
Unfortunately, Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion isn't coming till next year. Still a bit of a wait for this game.
Fortunately, it looks well worth that wait!
Here's a link to some footage of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUd_NR1fqsA&list=UUSzWc8prPLZeY3Af90mLLmg
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Trick or treat?
My favorite holiday is Halloween. I love it because of the candy, the costumes, the monsters, and just how much fun it is. The older I get, the more I love the holiday.
Unfortunately, I'm too old to dress up and go trick or treating. I have no kids of my own. I have to sit at home on Halloween and pass out candy to kids.
Thank goodness for Costume Quest. Double Fine has created a game where anyone can become a kid again and go trick or treating. Of course, theres also monsters, a turn based battle system, and a kidnapped sister but its all wonderful all ages fun. Its an escape from reality; a trip down a magical Halloween rabbit hole. Anyone can enjoy this fun game.
And this month, Costume Quest 2 comes to Wii U (and other systems). The perfect game for the perfect holiday.
Its going to be great to go trick or treating again. Thank you Double Fine.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Creating on 3DS
Yesterday I talked about games that included level editors on the Wii U. Today I wanted to talk about 3DS. There are no games with level editors on 3DS, as far as I know anyway. That said there is a game coming next month, on November 4, that'll let you reshape the world you live in.
That game is Harvest Moon: Lost Valley by @Natsume_Inc!
In every Harvest Moon, you move to a small community and start building a farm. Lost Valley offers a new twist on Harvest Moon though. This time, you can enter a real time editor that allows you to build up the land or dig deeper. You can create your own very unique valley. Its even possible to build bridges where you want! Oh and how high or how low you plant a crop will effect what type of crop you get. You'll be able to plant crops anywhere. It all looks really great!
I love the look of the world editor, very simple to use, and I think it'll add a lot to the newest Harvest Moon. It'll be interesting to see what kind of Valleys players create!
Harvest Moon The Lost Valley comes out November 4th.
Here's a full list of the reviews I've done for @ShigeruNews so far (I'll update this article whenever I do a new one):
Stick It to the Man for Wii U: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/stick-it-to-the-man-wii-u/
Rush for Wii U: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/rush-wii-u/
Edge for Wii U: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/edge-wii-u-review/
Pyramids for 3DS: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/16/pyramids-2-3ds/
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for 3DS: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/shantae-and-the-pirates-curse-3ds-review/
KORG DSN-12 for 3DS: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/21/korg-dsn-12-3ds-review/
Lone Survivor: Director's Cut for Wii U: http://shigerureviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/lone-survivor-directors-cut-wii-u-review/
Friday, October 10, 2014
Build It Yourself
I love level editors in games. I'm not too great at them, but I love them anyway. Its so much fun to try and create your own levels.
I played Warioware D.I.Y. and liked it. Back when I had a PS3, I played both LittleBigPlanets and loved the level editor. I was in the Modnation Racers beta and that editor rocked too.
Now that I'm a Wii U/3DS only owner, I keep up someone will create an awesome game with a level editor. Two Tribes was the first to promise such a feature with Toki Tori 2 but failed to deliver it. I was very unhappy because the reason I bought the game was the editor.
Since then, Cubeman 2 came out and it had an editor. I haven't played the game but I hear its really good! Not sure when I'll get the chance to play it though.
Other upcoming games are promising level editors too. Here are some of them:
Stealth Inc 2 by @curvestudios. I've seen a glimpse of this games level editor and it looks very interesting. In the game, you have test chambers that you go to and solve puzzles in. My guess is that the level editor lets you create your own test chambers. Hoping we see more of the level editor soon.
Runbow by @13amgames: I don't know much about this games level editor, other than it was promised in a recent trailer that you could create your own levels. I'm definitely keeping my eyes open for more footage.
U Craft by @NexisGames: A massive world where you can rebuild the land & go on adventures with friends online. Compared to Minecraft, which I've never played. This is, so far, the most exciting of the level maker games to me. I have high hopes for this one!
Mario Maker by Nintendo: Mario Maker will, yes, let you make your own Mario levels! It was shown off at E3 and it looked great! Can't wait to see more.
There may be more games too. I really hope so. I love games that let you create your own levels and Wii U seems like the perfect console for it! Why? Here are my reasons:
1) The touchscreen on the gamepad would allow you to grab objects and place them where you want!
2) Off screen mode gives you way to create privately. Level creation is more fun for the person doing it than it is for on lookers. Plus you can take your time and not feel rushed.
3) Miiverse would allow you to post pictures of your levels and direct people as to where they can find it. More levels would get played!
Wii U is such a great place for Indies to create games. It would be an awesome place for players to build things too!
Citizens of the Wii U UNITE
You are the Vice President of the United States and something very crazy is happening in your hometown. WHAT DO YOU DO?
Well...recruit the citizens of the town to help you find out whats up of course!
This is the concept of Citizens of Earth, a turn based rpg by @AtlusUSA coming to the Wii U eshop on November 4th!
Quirky? Yes! Fun looking? OH YES.
The game reminds me of Earthbound (one of my favorite rpgs). Citizens of Earth, like Earthbound, is an rpg set in the 'modern world'. Lots of opportunity to spoof real world concepts. Also...there are not many rpgs on the eshop. Its always time to celebrate new rpgs on Wii U.
So citizens of the Wii U Unite! The Vice President needs YOUR help!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
The Day the Wii U Eshop Will Blow Up
October 16. Doomsday for the Wii U eshop.
Ok, not really. In fact, it going to be an insane day for the eshop. 6 big titles, that I know of, are coming out on the eshop. This is crazy! Who has money for all those games?! I know I don't!
Still I can't help being very excited for the 16th. The Wii U doesn't have games eh? Check out these 6 titles!
Paper Monsters Recut (by @MobotStudios): A very cute and fun looking platformer. Paper Monsters reminds me of Sony's LittleBigPlanet, expect the graphics are paperish instead of sackish. There looks to be a ton of variety to the game, lots jumping sure but also vehicles, jetpacks, and cool Monsters. Looks good!
Ballpoint Universe (by @Arachnid_Games): Sidescoller shooter? Platformer? What is this game?! Its BOTH. Ballpoint combines genres plus has a very unique graphical style (ballpoint doodles!). Its a very crazy looking game. I love how it looks. Very interested in hearing more about this one!
Ping Plus 1.5 (by @Kurisuellegarde): A pongish puzzle game with over 100+ levels. I don't know a ton about this game but it looks and sounds like a major time killer. Could get lost with all the big games out on the 16th! I hope not!
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (@curvestudios): A 2D Survival Horror game! Just in time for Halloween. This game looks very, very, very good. Like an old style Adventure game meets survival horror with 2D side scrolling. I think this game will be extremly popular on the 16th!
TWO GBA Castlevania games; Konami is also bringing out these two Castlevania games on the 16th. Sure to sell well. The games are known for their Metroid style exploration and rpg elements. Lots of people love them. For good reason, these are fun! Castlevania UPDATE: Only one of the games coming on the 16th. The second one, Aria of Sorrow is now coming on the 23rd.
UPDATE: Shortly after I wrote this article, another game was announced for the 16th.
Chests O' Booty (@WildmaneStudios): A unique take on the puzzle game genre. Described as " A game where you perform simple arithmetic to reduce the weight of your illegally acquired goods" on Nintendo's website. Chests has heavy competition on the 16th! Still, who doesn't love puzzle games?! 1.99 is a good price too.
And thats it...I..think. There may be some other games too. Gulp.
Your pocket money is doomed.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
A Trip to the Moon
There are aliens on the moon. I repeat, there are ALIENS on the freaking MOON.
Maybe I should back up and explain.
I'm talking about another video game of course. There are no aliens on the actual moon (maybe). The game I'm talking about is called Moon Chronicles and its for the 3DS. Its a first person shooter that takes place on the MOON. Did I mention the aliens?
Moon Chronicles is very unique to the 3DS. As I said, its a first person shooter. There are not many of those on 3DS. Also the game is more Metroid Prime first person rather than Call of Duty. Sure you shoot stuff but you also explore & try to figure out to just what the heck is going on!
The game is also a download only, episodic game. Episodic games on the 3DS?? VERY RARE. As of this writing, only one episode is out. More are coming but when, no one knows. This is really annoying to me. Moon Chronicles is such a cool game. I want to play the rest of it NOW. Renegade Kid, the developer, is very busy with other games at the moment. Grrr. But said other games look VERY AWESOME. sigh. Renegade wants more of my money. sigh
Anyway, I do highly recommend Moon Chronicles. Yes its not whole yet. Yes whats there is short. BUT its so very, very cool. A fun game for sure. More people need to buy it so that Renegade Kid will get back to making (or at least releasing) the rest of it!!
Ahem. Just so we're clear, this isn't a review of Moon Chronicles (I'll do that whenever the full game is out). This is a recommendation. If you love Metroid Prime-like first person shooters & want to play one on 3DS, grab this game.
It'll fly you to the moon...
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Games Do Matter
On Twitter, a video game critic that goes by @IndieGamerChick has started a very cool new Giveaway. Its called #GamesMatter and its all about video games, especially video games made by Indie Developers. She is giving digital download codes by various Indie developers away quite often. Why?
#GamesMatter started as a response to be a controversy on twitter. I don't know all the details but I do know that it was something that was bothering a lot of gamers. Indie Gamer Chick and many developers felt that gamers needed a break. So they got together and started giving games away. No catch. Not a contest. You just asked for the game she was offering and you might get it.
The Giveaway has turned into a way to help promote Indie games too. The only thing Indie Gamer Chick and the developers ask is that you take a game you'll PLAY and TALK ABOUT IT. If you like the game, spread the word. If you don't like the game, talk about it and tell people what you don't like. Also how do you think the game could be fixed? Indie Developers want to know how you actually feel about the game. They want your feedback. Real and honest.
I love the Giveaway. Not just because I've already gotten two games out of it, but also because it promotes games, all games, in a VERY positive way. This is a really amazing thing that Indie Gamer Chick and the developers are doing. They are giving people FREE games. And people are talking about them. Not only that but it is really helping developers sell their games (via the word of mouth). Its pretty amazing.
So if you're on twitter, check out @IndieGamerChick and look out for her awesome giveaways. She has given away PC (Steam), PS3/PS4, Xbox, Wii U, and plans to give out 3DS and Vita games whenever developers give her codes for them. So console, handheld and PC gamers should definitely keep an eye on this giveaway.
Games Do Matter. All games. As an artform, as a way to tell stories, spark the imagination, and most of all as a way to have FUN. You can never have too much fun in my opinion. The world needs more of it.
Falling Into Adventure
I've never been much of a PC gamer. I have always liked consoles more. That said, there is one time of game I liked a lot of PC: ADVENTURE games.
The Adventure genre is basically all about clicking, pointing, solving puzzles. Simple but definitely not always easy. In fact, Adventure games could be quiete hard. Kings Quest and Space Quest were the games I played. Great games. I never beat any of them, Still love this genre. I miss it too.
The Fall, a game for the Wii U eshop (its on PC too), is a return to the Adventure genre (mostly). You look around, interact with objects, solve puzzles, fight enemies...wait what...I'll get back to this. At its core, The Fall is an Adventure game. There is much to like about it.
First of all, The Fall's graphics are great! I love its graphics. Very darky, shadowy atmosphere. Graphics wise, The Fall is a modern game. Very well done.
The Fall's story is very mysterious. I like that. I like how we get tidbits of info from fully voiced characters. The voices are well done.
The game is very difficult; it frustrates. I have to look for help a lot. I like that and I don't but thats a very familiar trademark of the adventure genre. You get stuck and might need help. Thank goodness for the internet.
The Fall isn't perfect though. There is so frame rate issues while walking, the controls could be better (wish it was touch controls), and the combat...yeah, lets talk about that more.
The Fall's combat is very complicated. You aim with the right stick, while also having to press the bottom right trigger. This tricky to pull off. Also there's a cover mechanic where you have to push other buttons. The combat also is stiff and slow. Basically, the combat seems out of place in this game. It seems thrown in as if to say 'Ok, now lets do something exciting.' I wish it had been left out.
That all said, The Fall is a good game. Its also a welcome return to a genre I missed a lot. If you missed it too, then The Fall is for you. Don't expect a perfect experience, but whats there is a good start!
The Fall was provided to me by @IndieGamerChick and @OverTheMoonGms on Twitter. Indie Gamer Chick is doing a great giveaway on Twitter called #GamesMatter. Its not a contest. When she (and soon developers) giveaway games, all you have to do is ask. Its a great way to promote Indie developers! You should check it out!
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